The Melbourne Cup or also referred to as "The Race that Stops the Nation" is the Australian equivalent of the Kentucky Derby. It's a big event and marks the highlight of all the Spring Racing Carnivals throughout the country. It's quite common for most businesses to close at noon on this day each year. Muswellbrook has their Spring Carnival on the same day as "The Cup" so there is generally a large turnout of racing enthusiasts, high rollers and party goers at the local track.
Among the crowd there are plenty of ladies doning beautiful hats to compliment their colorful "frocks" (dresses) with many of the men dressed in suits or creative attire. It is always a great day of fun and excitement.
Me and Leeanne in our lovely frocks and hats!
"Geo Ross"- the geologist, "Survey Ray" - surveyor and Garth the OCE (Open Cut Examiner)
I was running late at work so I missed half of the races but I did make it in time to place a bet and watch the simulcast of the Melbourne Cup race. This was not a lucky day for LuLu. Not one of the ponies I placed a bet on for the rest of the day won. Bugger! Oh well, it was a great afternoon of champagne and spending time with some fabulous work mates.
Jackie and Senior Project Engineer "Kimbo"
Szymon (Mining Engineer) with wife Sarah and daughter Lilly
Ross and our Technical Services Manager Steve ("Wylie Coyote" )
I want to come and live with you! It sounds like you are on a new adventure every time I check out your blog... Keep it up, I'm living vicariously through you :-)