B & L Excursions returned to Middlebrook Station this past weekend for a few days of bush camping, cooking, quad bike riding and some crazy antics with our hosts (
The Hendersons - Hamish 'Hendo', Jackie, Isabella and Georgia), a few new friends (
Neil, Leann, Sophie and Torben) and our best mates (
Adam, Vanessa, Nick and Maddi).
Within the landscape of a cattle and sheep property, not too far from home, we set up our camp in a clearing amongst the gum trees and built the biggest campfire I've ever seen. S'mores were a big hit with those new to this classic campfire treat, Adam baked a scrumptious damper in the camp oven, we hung a quad bike in a tree just for fun, chased kangaroos, did a little target shooting, endulged in a bottle of pear schnaaps around the inferno and the kids set out on a scavenger hunt one afternoon to collect items like dead ants, roo poo, mushrooms, fencing wire, etc. They had a great time and yes, fun was definitely had by all and we're ready for our next big adventure.
Biker Chicks - Vanessa and Maddi |
New vs Old - breaking in the "billy" |
Leann the crack shot! |
The Hendersons arrive in their "Woohoo" - notice the matress strapped down on the top with an electrical cord for the fridge. You're a genius 'Hendo' ! |
Look Ma, we caught us a Quaddie! |
Happy Kampers! |
Take aim 'Rusty'! |
Torben deep in concentration and Adam wondering 'what is that kid aiming at?' |
We think camping is cool! Nick, Maddi and Torben |
Can you give me a lift Leann! |
The Inferno begins with just a little smoke |
We need another log for the campfire BK! |
Our catch-of-the-day! |
Isabella models the latest country fashion - The hat fits perfertly daddy! |
Big sis can shoot too 'Nicko'!
What makes the sky blue mum? (Hamish, Jackie and Georgia)
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