Friday, May 20, 2011

Going Bush Once More

B & L Excursions returned to Middlebrook Station this past weekend for a few days of bush camping, cooking, quad bike riding and some crazy antics with our hosts (The Hendersons - Hamish 'Hendo', Jackie, Isabella and Georgia), a few new friends (Neil, Leann, Sophie and Torben) and our best mates (Adam, Vanessa, Nick and Maddi).

Within the landscape of a cattle and sheep property, not too far from home, we set up our camp in a clearing amongst the gum trees and built the biggest campfire I've ever seen. S'mores were a big hit with those new to this classic campfire treat, Adam baked a scrumptious damper in the camp oven, we hung a quad bike in a tree just for fun, chased kangaroos, did a little target shooting, endulged in a bottle of pear schnaaps around the inferno and the kids set out on a scavenger hunt one afternoon to collect items like dead ants, roo poo, mushrooms, fencing wire, etc. They had a great time and yes, fun was definitely had by all and we're ready for our next big adventure.
Biker Chicks - Vanessa and Maddi

New vs Old - breaking in the "billy"

Leann the crack shot!

The Hendersons arrive in their "Woohoo" - notice the matress strapped down on the top with an electrical cord for the fridge. You're a genius 'Hendo' !

Look Ma, we caught us a Quaddie!

Happy Kampers!

Take aim 'Rusty'!

Torben deep in concentration and Adam wondering 'what is that kid aiming at?'

We think camping is cool! Nick, Maddi and Torben
Can you give me a lift Leann!
The Inferno begins with just a little smoke
We need another log for the campfire BK!

Our catch-of-the-day!
Isabella models the latest country fashion - The hat fits perfertly daddy! 

Big sis can shoot too 'Nicko'!

What makes the sky blue mum? (Hamish, Jackie and Georgia)
